Where to go in Italy : Orvieto

Orvieto - Duomo
Orvieto – Duomo

When planning day trip excursions in Italy, we often get information from guide books or from asking friends who have already visited that destination. Another great source for information are progressional drivers and guides that know work with clients and travel around day in and day out. From this extensive experience they can suggest where to go in Italy easily.

We recently spoke to one of our expert drivers from the Rome area about his work and ask the question “where to go in Italy” Giacomo was kind enought to give his suggestions that might be useful to all people are planning Italian Vacations with private services.

Giacomo you have been with us a long time and you are one of the most requested and appreciated driver and guide. How did you decide to on this career?

I always loved cars , when I was a little boy, I was dreaming about fixing and painting cars. Initially, life lead me to choose another work, but cars always stayed in my life.
Then in 2000, I have been able to work with Road to Italy with whom I always had a privileged relationship.
Discovering our country with clients is something I really like to do and I do it with a lot of passion !
Itineraries chosen by clients are always so interesting , but even the best itinerary can be improved with some suggestions ! Italy is a country which offers always interesting places that can be worth adding to an itinerary. These small excursions out of the main program are usually out of the beaten path and they are always appreciated by clients.

Road to Italy driver - Giacomo
Road to Italy driver – Giacomo

How important is the car for a driver and from the ones you drove, which one is your
favorite ?

A car for a driver/guide is a primary choice. It should be choosen with the mind and never with the heart and always be focused on the passengers needs. This means comfort and big bright windows are the main factors for me.
I give you an example, of course during all these years I really drove many cars, but the one that remains impressed in my memory is a Renault “Velsatis”. It is a French car that had the ambition to become the leader of the market, but unfortunately it never happened. It was one of my cars for three years and I must say that clients really appreciated its comfort and because while driving they could cleary admire the scenarios on the road .

When we ask you “ Where to go in Italy ? ” What is your suggestion for a day trip excursion from Rome or from Tuscany?
For is location and the beauty of his monument i definitely suggest an excursion to the Hilltown of Orvieto.

Orvieto - Umbria
Orvieto – Umbria

From your experience, could you give some advise about the best time to visit it and How long should be the visitof Orvieto ?

Ovrieto is alway nice to visit. What is important to suggest to visitors is to wear comfortable clothes because to discover it properly you need to walk a lot. An ideal visit of Orvieto would take three or four hours, but if it is not possible because of an intense itinerary, I would say in two hours you can see the most important monuments as : the famous Duomo, The Tower del Moro, the Municipal Palace and St Patrick’s. Usually, I like to offer to my clients also some free time to visit Orvieto by their own. In fact it is a city where tourists can walk through its narrow streets and discover all its nooks.

Orvieto - Umbria
Orvieto – Umbria

Thanks to its unique location overlooking the valley of the river Tiber, Orvieto is also one of the most beautiful spot in Italy to take pictures. Is there any special spot where you drive clients to take nice pictures?
There are so many panoramic spots inside and outside the city ! But between all of them Iwould suggest two in particular : the first is from the top of the Tower del Moro, the highest point of the city, the second is just outside the town, there is a small hill named “il Poggio” with a panoramic terraces where you can take the best pictures of the city and its monuments.

Thank you Giacomo for these great suggestions. We hope to see you in Italy and perhaps arrange a day for you with Giacomo.

Luca Trapolino