Private Tours of Italy vs The DIY Approach

private tours of ItalyAre you planning a vacation to Italy for the first time? Italy is one of the best places in Europe to visit; it offers the traveler so much in terms of food, drink, scenery, history, art, and culture. Perhaps you are trying to decide whether it is best to approach the trip in a do-it-yourself fashion, or whether booking a tour package would be the better option. Ultimately the decision will depend on what your personal preferences are, but all in all, private tours of Italy are really a great option for those who want expert knowledge, input, and guidance, without the strict timetable of a regular group tour.

At Road to Italy we offer all our clients a variety of options to suit their needs. Whether you are interested in Tuscany wine tours, private tours of Italy, or tours of Italy for kids, we have an option for you. We are able to customize all tours to match your schedule, wishes, and requirements. We understand that independent traveling is a tempting option for some, and indeed it does offer some of its own benefits. However, there are just as many (if not more) benefits to booking your own private tours of Italy with us.

Private Tours of Italy or DIY?

When you book a private tour with a company like Road to Italy, you know that you are getting quality. Our knowledgeable, professional staff will work closely with you to design the ideal tour – one that fits your interests and requirements. On the other hand, traveling by yourself can be hit and miss; it depends, doesn’t it? Sometimes you may have a good experience in a city or region, and other times you may simply just pick the wrong things to see and do. When you book private tours of Italy, you can be sure that this will not happen.

Second, booking private Italy tours basically guarantees that your travel arrangements and accommodation will be taken care of. You won’t have to call a dozen different hotels to haggle over rooms and prices, and you won’t have to worry about booking the train or bus in advance.  Choose a professional tour planner like Road to Italy, and we will take care of all the arrangements for you.

Further, why would you miss the opportunity to travel with an experienced local guide? They know their home, and they are passionate about their culture and history. Booking private tours of Italy means that you’ll get to benefit tremendously from your local tour guide. You won’t be a part of a big group, so you’ll get to ask more questions when you are interested in a location or a monument, and skip over things that you find less intriguing. Many people may travel independently, and then choose to book a day tour once they are in Rome or Venice. Usually, they will come away from this experience rather unsatisfied, finding it tiring and trivial. It is best to book a private tour that caters to your needs.

Flexibility is a great advantage that comes with booking private tours of Italy. You’ll get to choose between the must-see locations for you, and the “maybe” locations. You’ll be able to linger if you want to, spend more time with the contemporary art instead of with the modernist sculptures if you like, and in general, you’ll get to take control of your own time. It is true that you will be able to plan your own schedule without a tour guide, but this way you will get the benefits of a guide plus the individual flexibility that you are accustomed to.

When you choose to book private tours of Italy, you will also get a number of additional perks and benefits. Don’t bother waiting at the end of long queues anymore; you’ll be able to walk right in with your licensed guide. Additionally, you may get certain discounts and special rates, due to the connection and partnerships that your tour guide company has. These are perks that you definitely cannot lay claim to when traveling by yourself!

If you choose to book private Italy tours with Road to Italy, you will find that our local tour representatives are singularly passionate and committed to what they do. The knowledge at their fingertips is there for you to absorb; you will be able to experience how wonderful it is to visit a place like Rome and learn a tremendous amount about its ancient history right up to its present day context. You may even find yourself coming away from the trip with a new-found interest in anthropology or classical architecture!

Lastly, here is a small but important perk of booking private tours of Italy: when you arrive at the airport, exhausted after a full day of travel, there will be a friendly face there to welcome you. You won’t have to worry about finding appropriate transportation, or about having the right address for the hotel; we will have it all taken care of for you. It is always such a relief to have a reliable helping hand and comfortable bed waiting after a long journey.

Road to Italy Offers You the Best Private Tours of Italy

There will always be some who disagree, but as you can see, there are many reasons why choosing a private tour is such a great option when you visit a country like Italy. You will want to make the most out of your limited time here, and not waste your energy and money on activities that are less than satisfying. Private tours simply offer you so much; you’ll come away from the experience really appreciating the culture and history behind the beautiful cities and towns that you will be visiting.

No matter whether you’re interested in the big three – Venice, Rome, and Florence – want to explore medieval towns like San Gimignano, or are excited about a food and wine tour, call Road to Italy. Our expert representatives will help you pick between the many options, and design the perfect vacation for you. We’re also happy to advise you on any Italy travel tips that you might need, or answer questions about passports and visas. With Road to Italy, your Italian vacation will be an experience you’ll never forget.

Road To Travel