Few cities in the world can count on such a large number of fascinating places such as Rome; that said here’s an idea for your next private tour of Rome. Enjoy a walk in Tiber Island and discover its historic bridges !

The Tiber Island is the only city island on the Tiber, connected to both banks by the Ponte Fabricio and the Ponte Cestius. It is characteristic for its shape as a stone ship, and has always been linked to the healing of the sick. It used to house the temple of Asclepius, the god of medicine, whose cult was introduced in 292 BCE following a plague.

According to legend, after a serious epidemic broke out in Rome, a committee of scholars sailed to Epidaurus, a city sacred to Asclepius, to ask the god for help. While they carried out the rites, a huge snake came out of the temple and took refuge on the ship. When they returned to Rome, the snake fell into the river and swam to Tiber Island where it disappeared, indicating that this was the place where the temple and hospital were to be built.

Today, in place of the temple of Asclepius is the Basilica of St. Bartholomew, built in 998 by Otto III and dedicated to the apostle by the same name. The well on the steps of the high altar corresponds precisely to that of the source of the temple’s miraculous waters. Of the statue of Asclepius remains part of his face and his stick with the coiled snake.

Finally, on this tiny island there is also a unique private apartment where a chef practices the art of cooking, teaching foreigners and Romans alike to create and enjoy delicious dishes.
Photos by PsyCat, Carole Raddato, Anthony Majanlahti, Alex de carvalho from Wikipedia Creative Commons