Places to visit in Rome – The Great Beauty sets

Tempietto Bramante
Tempietto Bramante

Not to take away from the merits of this wonderful Italian film, but let’s face it one of the reasons that the “The great beauty”  is having so much success and one an Oscar,  is  thanks to the great beauty of Rome which is the setting of the story by the director  Paolo Sorrentino.

Rome, the “Eternal City” has been showcased in countless Italian and international films.  We have seen many times the usual places where thousands of tourists tread every year such as the Colosseum, Trevi fountain and the Spanish steps to mention a few.   Sorrentino ’s The Great Beauty however, succeeds in revealing some amazing sites that are not well known. .

The sets of the Great Beauty are a nice idea for an unusual visit of the city of Rome, for those who already have been in Rome,  for those who are looking  out of the beaten path places to visit in Rome and even the Romans themselves  which often do not know and appreciate the beauty of their city.

The cloister of San Pietro in MontorioRome San Pietro in Montorio

The Church of San Pietro in Montorio  is located in one of the most beautiful places of Rome, the slopes of the hill of Gianicolo.  The Church  faces a breathtaking panorama of ancient Rome . It stands on the site where according to tradition; the Apostle Peter was crucified upside down on the cross-head down, in the exact spot where the beautiful temple was built by Bramante, which is the special feature of this church

This temple bears the signature of Bramante built in the 1502  and is considered one of the masterpieces of Renaissance architecture . The planning of the Tempietto must have represented the union of illusionistic painting and architecture. Bramante was inspired by ancient temples and he gave it a circular plan as symbol of the divine perfection.

How to get there : It is  located on the Janiculum Hill and you can reach it by bus from Trastevere.  (Bus 115)


Rome - Fontana Acqua Paola
Rome – Fontana Acqua Paola

The Fountain of the Acqua Paola

Also known as Er Fontanone , is the terminal part of the aqueduct restored by Pope Paul V in 1608 to bring water to Rome , in the areas to the right of the Tiber.  One of the objectives of the pope was to provide a good water reserve to the area of Trastevere and especially to the Vatican gardens.

The fountain is located in Via Garibaldi on the Janiculum hill, and you get to walk from Trastevere or buses 115 and 870.

Villa dei Priori of the Knights of Malta

Knights of Malta - Keyhole
Knights of Malta – Keyhole

This beautiful medieval villa was once the priory of the Knights of Malta  where  once the Templars found refuge on the way to the crusades.  It now houses the embassies to the Holy See.   At the entrance to the rose gardens of the villa  no one can resist looking through the keyhole to witness the amazing optical illusion.  The Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica will appear so close you can touch it. But in reality it is quite a distance from this spot.  It is a beautiful view and worth the visit.

How to get there: The villa is located on the Aventine Hill, about a mile from the Metro B Circus Maximus.

Luca Trapolino