Must See Attractions in Rome

private Italy ToursFounded more than 2,500 years ago, Rome is one of the oldest cities in Europe and is the capital of Italy. Thanks to the enormity of its archaeological, artistic, and cultural treasures, the city draws upwards of 10 million visitors each year, many of whom enjoy the splendour of the city through simple or luxury Italy tours they arranged themselves or through a tour company. From the classical beauty of the Vatican museums to the tragic humanity of the Colosseum, Rome is a city for all ages to enjoy and explore.

Private Italy Tours and 19 Top Attractions to See in Rome

Whether you select from private Italy tours that are a day long or last a whole week, there are hundreds of destinations to choose from that will keep you busy from the moment you set foot in Rome to the time you leave.

  • Immerse yourself in the wonders of the oldest public art gallery in the world, the twin palaces which comprise the Capitoline Museums. The fingerprints of the great artist and sculptor Michelangelo Buonarroti are all over the museums, as he first conceived of the plans for the structures in 1536, though one of its three main buildings, Palazzo Senatorio, was built in the 12th century. The other buildings include Palazzo dei Conservatori and Palazzo Nuovo.
  • Imagine yourself as a gladiator, fighting for your life and honour at the Colosseum. Built between 70 and 82 AD, Rome’s monstrous amphitheatre served to showcase fights by gladiators and wild animals.
  • Private Italy tours would never be complete without visiting the Pantheon. The best preserved building from Ancient Rome, this massive domed structure was built in 126 AD on orders from the emperor, Hadrian. Its history dates back to 27 BC.
  • Walk along the cobbled streets of the Roman Forum, where religious and public life events took place for hundreds of years. There are many points of interest along the way: Via Sacra, the Arch of Septimius Severus, and the Curia — where the Roman Senate met to make decisions for the Roman government.
  • Tour Vatican City, center of faith for more than 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide. Technically its own independent city-state, the Vatican is home to two living popes as of 2013. If you are lucky, you may be able to catch a glimpse of the current pope, Francis, at St. Peter’s Square during one of your private Italy tours.
  • Enjoy classic Italian food during your private Italy tours. Dishes to try during your stay include Pasta Carbonara, Supplì, Scaloppine alla romana, and Abbacchio alla cacciatora. There are plentiful vegetarian dishes available, all made from the finest ingredients such as globe artichokes, peas, and fava beans.
  • Make a wish at the Trevi Fountain.
  • Take a church tour. The world famous Basilica of St. Peter should be your first stop, but other well known churches worthy of a visit include Santo Spirito in Sassia, Sant’Agnese in Agone, and Sant’Andrea della Valle
  • Visit the old Rome neighbourhood of Testaccio.
  • Bathing was a classic social event in ancient Rome, and there is no better place to see how people did it than at the Baths of Caracalla.
  • For children, private Italy tours would not be the same without spending quality time at the beach. And though Rome is not known as a place for fun in the sand, it does boast three well known beaches, Ostia Lido Beach, Santa Marinella Beach, and Sperlonga Beach.
  • Visit the catacombs, where early Christians buried their dead in subterranean passageways because of a lack of space on land and to avoid persecution. All totalled, there are more than 50 kilometres of catacombs to explore including San Sebastiano, San Callisto, Priscilla, Domitilla, and Sant’Agnese.
  • If you have been caught recently telling a fib, you might want to pass on visiting The Mouth of Truth during your private Italy tours. Or maybe not.
  • Egypt may be famous for its wondrous pyramids, but did you know Rome has one, too? An 87-foot pyramid was erected in 12 BC to house the tomb of Caius Cestius and is still standing 2,000 years later. Incredibly well preserved, it is a popular tourist destination and features its own gift shop.
  • Tourists in love with baroque art will want to stop by Galleria Borghese, a renovated villa in the estate once owned by the Borghese family. It is Rome’s main urban park and features memorable artwork from works by Bernini, Canova, and Caravaggio.
  • Who would embark on private Italy tours and not stop to have fresh Gelato — Italian ice cream — on a warm summer day? If you are looking for the best made-to-order Gelato in Rome, be sure to stop by Giolitti, Gelateria dei Gracchi, or Il Gelato di San Crispino. Truly delectable flavour combinations abound, including walnut and fig, Cinnamon ginger, liquorice root, plus the standards everyone loves, namely lemon sorbet, crema, mango, and hazelnut.
  • Trastevere, the heart and soul of Rome’s lively artist community. A charming district on the west bank of the Tiber, its cobble stone lined streets have inspired generations of artists.
  • Roseto Comunale di Roma, the official rose gardens of Rome. Built high up the Aventine Hill, the gardens are only open early May to mid-June and include more than 1,000 varieties from 20 countries.
  • Browse the boutiques for the latest fashions from Rome’s best independent designers. Hot spots include the Arsenale, Le Gallinelle, and Le Tartarughe.

rome_pantheon_2The best time to visit Rome is whatever time that is most convenient for your schedule and personal or other commitments, but private Italy tours can be the experience of a lifetime no matter when you take them. To make your vacation memorable, work with the tour professionals at Road to Italy.

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