Eating italy food tours : the historic shops of Genoa

eating italy food tours

Genoa is one of the most important port cities of the Mediterranean. The harbor has always been its lifeblood and from there the rest of the city developed. Discover this particular Mediterranean city during your Italy trip !

eating italy food tours

It is precisely from the Old Port that the tour of the historic shops begins; it is a different way to discover the secrets that this city of merchants and sailors has to offer. In Genoa, can be appreciated one of the eating Italy food tours.

eating italy food tours
Food Shop

The tour starts with a visit to the arcades that once faced the sea, known for the variety of goods that you could buy from the many shops. One of the most characteristic shops is definitely the Carega fish and chips shop. It has no sign but its window leaves no room for error: full of delicacies, from the famous farinata (a pizza made of chickpea flour) to the many different fried fish. Time seems to stand still, as nothing has changed in 70 years; not its menu nor the decor.

eating italy food tours
Fish shop in Genoa

Following the arcades we continue to “Carruggi”, the narrow alleys that characterize the historic center of Genoa. Here you can admire a beautiful example of Art Deco: the barber shop Giacalone, still in business today. Looking through the window, you will no doubt be fascinated by the mirrors on the ceiling and stained glass on the walls.

eating italy food tours
Pastries and candies

You will also have the opportunity to discover antique shops full of history and anecdotes, each with its own peculiarities, such as a shop that only sells tripe or cod, or the numerous of fish stores and spice shops.

eating italy food tours

You will pass in front of the famous pastry shop Klaingulti, famous for its Falstaff pastries. One of its most famous visitors was Giuseppe Verdi who, after a disastrous opening night for his opera “Falstaff”, left a note which read “Dear Klainguti, your Falstaff are better than mine”. The note can still be seen hanging on the wall behind the counter.

eating italy food tours
Italian delicatessen

The tour ends in the best of ways: in a typical shop where you can taste delicious local products.

Sara Porcu