Custom tours of Italy: the most beautiful villages in Italy

Almost everywhere you go in Italy, you will find beautiful vistas and time-burnished picturesque villages. It is a hard task to pick the most beautiful when you planning your Custom tours of Italy as each of them has something unique to offer. Here are just a few charming villages to send you packing for a vacation in Bel Paese.

Custom tours of Italy

Scanno, Abruzzo

The drive to the village of Scanno is not for the faint hearted as the road is narrow and windy but it is certainly worth the effort. The tiny ancient village is full of charm and character with its noble palaces, small churches and quaint streets. Local goldsmiths make beautiful filigree jewellery and you might see a few old women making traditional bobbin lace outside their houses. Make sure to check the village’s excellent restaurants, small shops selling local delicacies and bakeries.

Custom tours of Italy
Civita di Bagnoregio

Civita di Bagnoregio, Lazio

Perched on a cliff, the village can only be reached via a long footbridge. Currently there are very few people living in Civita, but during summer months, it fills with visitors seeking authentic quiet corners of Italy. Stroll along narrow cobbled streets to discover the caves carved out by Etruscans over two thousand years ago, medieval buildings, imposing Renaissance wooden doors leading to nowhere, a pretty church of San Donato, a lovely 16th century mill and a small viewing terrace with beautiful vistas over the dramatic surrounding countryside.

Castiglione di Garfagnana, Tuscany

Founded by ancient Romans, Castiglione has seen some turbulent times due to its strategic position on the road to the San Pellegrino Pass, the easiest route over the Apennines. Today, it is a sleepy hilltop town sheltered by medieval walls with several old churches, a striking medieval bridge and beautiful views of the valley below.

Custom tours of Italy
Castiglione di Garfagnana

Cetona, Tuscany

Here you can relax in a small bar sipping coffee and watching friendly locals go on their daily business. Overlooked by a thousand year old fortress the town of Cetona is famous for neo-Palaeolithic and Bronze Age caves. There several pretty churches and  convents that you can explore. Don’t be surprised if you bump into the famous Italian designer Valentino; he owns a 17th century palazzo here.

Photos via Flickr by: Simone S. Taddei, Kristian Golding, NJ Spicer.



Anna Lebedeva