Amalfi Coast Attractions

Amalfi Coast Attractions
Amalfi Coast Attractions
View of Positano

The Amalfi Coast is definitely one of the best places to visit in Italy, but what are the major Amalfi Coast attractions, what to do during your visit and when is the best time to visit it?

Who better to advise us than Renato Cuomo from our team of English speaking drivers who lives in this area.

Renato you are definitely one of the drivers with more experience in the area, when you started your career?

My career stared in the far 1979, thanks to the fact that I spoke three foreign languages ​​such as English, French and German, since the beginning I had many European customers that contact me for limo services in the area of Sorrento, Naples and Amalfi Coast. Definitely one of the most important moments of my career  was  in 1995,  when the city of Naples in June hosted the international meeting G7 and I was hired as part of  the team of drivers  who escorted President Bill Clinton and his staff during the meeting. The excellent job I did was very appreciated and  since than  I have been contacted for many other important jobs,. During the last years  I had the pleasure to have been the driver of many VIP’s  from the United States as: Julia Roberts, Gwyneth Paltrow, Dustin Hoffman and Stephen Spielberg.

Amalfi coast attractions
Renato Cuomo

During all this years in the limo service business you have certainly had a lot of cars.  What do you look for when you are choosing a new car?

When I consider buying a new car the comfort inside and reliable engine a must.

Of all the cars you have driven throughout your career  which is the one that remained the most in your heart?

Definitely the Mercedes E-Class 250 six doors, it was a very special limousine.

You live in the Amalfi Coast and you are an expert in this area so  when is the best time to visit it and Amalfi Coast and why’?

The Amalfi Coast is always beautiful place to visit and the climate is never very cold, however from the middle of March till the end of and October are the best months for a day drive on the Coast. In  the Spring the coast is painted in many colors thanks to the beautiful flowers of wisteria and bougainvillea, there is also a lovely scent of lemon flowers in the air that is given off by the many lemon trees that are on the coast between Amalfi and  Sorrento. From the aromatic and juicy fruit of this lemon trees then comes the famous Limoncello liqueur.

How many hours should one dedicate for a proper visit on a day trip along the Amalfi Coast?

All the Coast from Positano to Vietri is so beautiful, rich of interesting places to see and activities to do that the time you can spend here is never enough.  But let’s say that for a good visit of the main places you have to spend about eight hours.

Surely Positano , Amalfi and Ravello are the three most popular villages of the coast, but in addition to them,  are there also some other “less famous places” that deserve a visit?

Private Amalfi Coast Drive with English speaking driver

You mentioned the three most popular places, but there are so many other beautiful places that could be interesting to visit, such as the villages of  Praiano, Maiori or  Furore that look like a painting on a canvas, but my favourite is  Minori.  In Minori there is the famous Pastry and bakery “De Riso” where the  famous “ricotta and pear” cake was invented. But all their pastries are so good and tasty.  This year the bakery De Riso won the sixth edition of “Re Panettone”  in Milan a contest on the best artisan Christmas Panettone of Italy.

Other beautiful places of the coast that I would suggest to visit during your Amalfi coast drive are: Cetara famous for its fishing harbor and the spaghetti with anchovies and for the lovers of handcraft ceramic a stop in a ceramic factory in Vietri sul mare is a must.

Where is the best place to stop for lunch during a tour of the Amalfi Coast?

Ravello is the best place to stop for lunch, from its famous terraces you can enjoy the best view over all the Amalfi Coast, perhaps one of the best  scenic view of Italy .

What kind of clothes do you suggest to wear during an excursion to the Amalfi Coast?

I suggest casual clothing and comfortable shoes because there are many steps to climb during the day.

What should a visitor always have handy in their bag during a day along  the Amalfi Coast?

Camera , a bottle of water and in the summer time I also suggest swimwear in case you want  to have relax on one of the beaches  or swim in the deep and blue Amalfi coast sea.


Private day trip to Amalfi Coast with English speaking driverFor visitors who want to spend a few days in this beautiful area what other excursions do you suggest they include during their stay?

Amalfi and Sorrento area offer many options for visitors, Of course  there are the popular excursions to the ancient excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum, or the world-famous Isle of Capri with the Blue Grotto and the Faraglioni rocks , but I would also recommend something less popular but  interesting ; the Greek temples of Paestum with a stop for a Buffalo Mozzarella tasting at “ Water Buffalo”  mozzarella factory.  One can also do a wine tour and  visit  the local wine  producers  “ Feudo San Gregorio”,  “Mastrobernadini” and “Antonio Gaggiano” here are  produced  the  famous Italian DOCG  wines such as Fiano of the Campania , Greco di Tufo , Aglianico, Falanghina and Taurasi.

Thank you Renato for your advice  on Amalfi Coast attractions.  Road to Italy clients are in good hands with you at the wheel on the amazing Amalfi coast!

Luca Trapolino